LMS International Inc.

Conference: Managing Defense Base Act Claims (2013)

Thank you to all who attended and participated in the Managing Defense Base Act Claims Conference in Dallas, TX this January! The event was a great success and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thanks to Advanced Consulting, Inc. for putting on a highly educational seminar yet again. It was a pleasure to meet those of you for the first time and wonderful to see everyone else again.

The presentations were exceptional this year, and they are available below as a PDF download. They are also available on Advanced Consulting, Inc’s website at www.advancedconsultinginc.com. A video featuring highlights from the speakers’ presentations will be available in a few weeks.

As always, the education is ongoing. If anyone has any questions or topics they would like to discuss further, please feel free to visit the Defense Base Act Consortium (DBAC) page on LinkedIn.

Have a wonderful and successful year!

The presentation slides:
Burn Pit Exposure Presentation
Anatomy of a Forensic Labor Market Survey
Winning DBA Claims- Substantive and Procedural Strategies
What You Can Do To Avoid Having To Hire Us
Medical Management GPS
Informal Dispute Resolution
Destination Labor Market Success

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